Sunday, 20 July 2014

Who, What, Which and How ?

Who, What, Which and How ?

  • Who buys this item ?

Mostly bought by the house makers i.e. mother, father etc. The product is consumed by the entire family with focus being on the children of the house.

  • What problem will this product solve ?

It will solve the problem of mosquito bites and mosquitoes. It positions itself to be a protector of the family's/Kids' from mosquitoes and helps in ensuring a good night's sleep.

  • Which attributes are important & Why ?
First of it's kind in the market : The Indian market had never seen a vaporizer to drive away mosquitoes.                                                     They were still pretty used to using mats and coils.

Refill Liquid : The vaporizer needs to be bought only once and the liquid can be replenished as and when                            required.

Avoided Health hazards : It minimized the chances of being a health threat to kids as now there were no coils or mats that the kid would swallow, thereby attracting the mothers to purchase the product.

  • If this decision is the first time, how will it go ? If it is repeat, how will it go?

If it's a first time decision then  But the fact that it helps protect families from mosquitoes will over power the hesitation.

The Brand : A first time decision will not be made on the basis of the brand name. All Out came in at a time where the market was dominated by coils and mats players.

The Product : Also, since it is a new product in the market(A vaporizer didn't exist in the Indian market until KAPL introduced it) it will be difficult to push it from among a highly coil/mat dominated market. Also, the pricing that All Out adopted was restricting them to only the higher section o the society. So, the customer may be a little hesitant about the efficiency and VFM of the product.

A repeat decision will be based on their favorable/positive experience with the product on the first try. This repeat decision will slowly help All Out in increasing their brand presence.

  • How was the deliberation in your head?

There was absolutely no doubt in my mind when I purchased the product. All Out has now been in the market for quite sometime and it is clearly the market leader in the mosquito repellent industry. Reasons why I pick All Out vaporizer - 
  1. No more worrying about mats/coils.
  2. Ease of use.
  3. Easy refill as and when required.
  4. Effectiveness.

Customer Value


Value is something that a firm drives for its customers/consumers/clients/partners or the society at large. Value to a customer is perceived to be the benefit he drives from the product/service for the resources that are spent.
Something that is over and additional to the use of the product which puts across a feel good factor for the customer.

Value proposition of All Out has the trust factor associated with it. It positions itself as the family's protector from diseases and works all night to ensure that they enjoy sound sleep.

Customer - Drives across a value proposition of protecting the kids from mosquitoes and ensuring a good night's sleep. For the customer, he/she is spending money not on a product but on their family's safety.

Consumer - Drives across a value proposition of protection from diseases.

Retailer - Different variants increase that the need for different kinds of customers is catered to.



Marketing Diary



Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

All Out - Diary

All Out - Overview

  • All Out is a liquid vaporizer first introduced by Karamchand Appliances Private Limited (KAPL) in India.
  • Introduced in April,1990 in Mumbai.
  • Revolutionized the Indian mosquito repellent market by introducing the vaporizer in a market dominated by coils and mats.
  • SC Johnson, an American privately held company, acquired a controlling stake in KAPL.
  • Known for its highly successful ad campaigns.